One commenter questioned what officials the Department considers to have the "authority to initiate corrective actions," believing that the language in the proposed guidelines could be interpreted to restrict that function to only the Title IX Coordinator. Relatedly, many commenters asked for that the Department deliver clarity on what constitutes "authority to initiate corrective measures" and what kinds of corrective actions would be provided commenters argued that all staff and school have at least some capacity to initiate some kinds of corrective actions. There are two means in which the last restrictions alter references to "responsible staff." First, present Title IX regulations have very long used a heading, "Designation of accountable staff," previous 34 CFR 106.8(a) this reference to "responsible employee" has generally, in reality, been a reference to the recipient's Title IX Coordinator, and the Department is revising § 106.8(a) to mirror this reality by using the phrase "Designation of Title IX Coordinator" in the header for § 106.8(a) and specifying in that segment that the worker specified and approved by the receiver to coordinate the recipient's Title IX obligations is regarded as, and need to be referred to as, the "Title IX Coordinator." Second, the time period "responsible employee" seems in the course of the Department's earlier guidance paperwork. |